Consulting Resources & Services
Workplace & Employer Consulting -
Reaching out to professionals
to manage your mental health at work

Blue Colibri's consulting services are customized to meet the specific needs of discussing mental health at work as an employee, and fitting for your workplace as an employer, based on your stated parameters.

All of our collaborators providing these services, as well as our process finding them, strictly adhere to the ethical codes of our professional associations and this extends to every aspect of our work including our clients and customer interaction, privacy policies, confidentiality standards, reporting guidelines, and billing practices.

These approved resources & services are focused on achieving a healthy mindset at work & creating a mentally safe workplace for employees, which we continuously assess & renew.

Individual Support
Giving SMB employees a chance to address with a professional their mental health issues caused from or related to work.
Our collaborators and sources give access to simple but helpful consulting & therapy sessions with you, to provide personal services to communicate openly about your issues & the risks of mental health coming from work. Professionals can get deep into and address the real health issues, or ones you cannot see, and help your resolve and manage your mental health & a work-life balance.

Discover a comfortable, affordable, and secure way to receive support & advice as an employee. Turn to our online consultants & therapists and give yourself the emotional well-being you deserve.

Employee Support & Accomodation at Work
We & our collaborators provide confidential services to your employee, communicate openly with their treatment team, and collaborate with you and the work team to ensure your employee is working safely in a sustainable way. This allows to address the real issues at the root of the employee’s health issues - by collaborating directly with all workplace parties, ensuring that solutions are lasting. Confidentiality allows us to give you only the information you need for your role in the process.
Workplace Consultation
Understanding your business needs and designing a customized mental health solution.
  • Assess your mental health risks
  • Psychological Health and Safety
  • Return to Work Services
  • Mental Health Policy and Strategy

For further information, and guidelines to adding these services to your workspace, please reach out to Blue Colibri through our email (

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