About Blue Colibri
Who are we and what is our mission?
About us
Blue Colibri is a non-governmental-foundation (NGO) based in Athens, Greece, and started by five university students to address one problem: the risks of mental health in the workplace.

Our vision is a world with good mental health for SMB workers and employers, and driving change for a more mental health-conscious workplace where legal regulations might not reach in comparison to bigger companies.

Our mission is to have an impact on mental health in the workplace;
to address the connection and cause-effect relationship between mental health and workplace conditions, consider current events (pandemic,climate crisis), bring awareness to the risks (through source & research spotlight, talking with current employees, etc.), and stand up for viable, healthier and more accessible work spaces and working conditions - taking into consideration mental health always.

Our main challenge & solution
Employees and workers struggle with the risks of mental health at work, for which they don’t have the proper resources or services to understand, address, and manage. Similarly, SMB employers usually lack coverage from mental health legislations, and find it difficult or they're unsure of how to provide mental health resources for their workforce.

Blue Colibri hopes to raise awareness on mental health at work, provide helpful and reliable resources and advice on the topic, and offer convenient and accessible mental health services for the smaller employees & businesses, to create a mentally healthy culture & work-life balance for all
Our solution serves our audience by
  • providing reachable, for the common worker, opportunities to learn, manage & solve mental health risks at work,
  • supporting workers who want simple, free & accessible advice and solutions for managing their issues,
  • making mental health sources accessible for smaller businesses that have difficulty with finding these for their specific workplace
Our community
Our main audience - or known to us as our community - are
  • employees
  • & employers in and from small and medium businesses (SMB) and
  • service workers in any business,
that are concerned with or they feel the impact of work on their mental health - and for employers who want to mentally support their workforce - but don't know what to do and how to go about it.
While our information, sources, and actions can be used by anyone, these people are most likely to suffer from mental health issues at work, and in addition, from a lack of coverage from international work policies and regulations on workplace mental health support - which is on the rise for large businesses.
Why the hummingbird/colibri?
The meaning of our logo & symbol
At first sight, our symbol might seem odd; what does a blue hummingbird have to do with challenging and bringing awareness in the risks of mental health at work?
The hummingbird/colibri is for many a symbol of healing and good luck; it suggests that challenging times are over and that healing can begin, and above all, it's a symbol of life. And what is life without including all kinds of health and all kinds of work? We hope that, like the colibri, we can bring healing and support to all those people dealing with mental health issues because their job.
Let's talk Funding
As a non-governmental organization, we receive funding to make our plans a reality from many, very generous, sources.

  1. Government grants: The Greek federal government through grants, to help provide for a variety of purposes, such as program development, research, and outreach, and all of our public health services.
  2. Corporate partnerships: Partnering with businesses can be a great way to secure funding for your NGO. Companies may be willing to donate money or resources in exchange for visibility or recognition.
  3. Crowdfunding & Fundraising Events: Every now and then Blue Colibri will raise money through online fundraising campaigns on Kickstarter, often with specific goals like additional workshops.
  4. Private foundations: Private foundations often provide funding for organizations working in the field of mental health. Research and approach foundations that align with your mission, vision, and the programs you are running.
  5. Membership fees: We can charge very low membership fees to S&M businesses to access some of our more complicated mental health services.
  6. Public donation: As you probably have noticed, we encourage public donation through our website and our social media platforms.
We aim to have a strong case for support, including information about our organization's mission, goals, and impact, as well as a detailed budget and fundraising plan.

The Blue Colibri Team
  • Nefeli Babe
    Executive Director (CEO)
  • Nefeli Lazaridi
    Administrative Director
  • Christina Nikola
    Programme, Research & PR Manager
  • Anna-Danai Tsakalidou
    Web, Design & Social Media Manager
  • Maria (Mary) Spyropoulou
    Fundraising Specialist & Research Associate
Conforming to SDGs
Aligning Blue Colibri's work and possible impact with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • GOAL 3: Good Health & Wellbeing
  • Goal 8: Decent Work & Economic Worth
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